Re: Unsure where WORKDAY fits in with a VLOOOKUP to another sheet
@jmhoward , I'm having one of those days where I'm just off a bit. I can't see what's wrong with your formula. So many things to check... Could you look at just the VLOOKUP to ensure that it is retur…1 · -
Re: Unsure where WORKDAY fits in with a VLOOOKUP to another sheet
Hi @jmhoward , I think this will work for you: =WORKDAY([Task Start Date]@row, VLOOKUP([Product Version]@row + Task@row, {ConcatProdTaskLookup}, 2, false)) A few notes: You may want to use INDEX(MATC…1 · -
Re: Update cell in main row based on values in a group of rows?
Hi @jmhoward, I hear you! You may want to consider if there is some preprocessing you can do on the data so that you can take more advantage of the SS features. If, for example, you didn't import the…1 · -
Re: Update cell in main row based on values in a group of rows?
Hi @jmhoward , Since you aren't using the dependencies, you will need some way to identify which rows contain the "child" information for each summary row. Since I don't see that in your da…1 · -
Re: CountIfs Function to Determine if Completed on Time
HI @AshleyDeichmueller , I feel your pain! I am not aware of a way to compare two values from the same row of a different sheet in a formula like you are attempting to do that also involves counting …1 ·